The job search process is unique to every person. For some, it’s an exciting period of time and they view it as the hunt for their next mountain to climb; they’re seeking out opportunity and it’s enthralling. For others, it can be a very anxious period of time, especially if it was unwanted or prompted by a recent demotion or the result of being let go. Regardless of the reasoning behind your job search, there are a few people who you should surround yourself with who will make the experience better – and, there are those who you should avoid at all costs.
In addition to setting yourself up for a successful search, like carving out the appropriate amount of time to be online job searching and applying balanced equally by networking and in-person meetings, there are personality types to surround yourself with who will make the job search process easier, and who might even help lead you to your next job.
Here are the 5 types of people to surround yourself with when job searching:
1. The Power Networker
This person is the ‘pull yourself up by the bootstraps’-type who is always putting themselves out there. Identify this person in your network and surround yourself with him or her while you’re in an active job search. The work ethic and can-do mentality of this person will keep you on the go and get you out to meet the people you need to be in front of in order to find your next opportunity. This person could be a former colleague, or maybe even a sibling or a friend. Ideally you want it to be someone who has an engaged network built up, events in the pipeline and who is involved in a similar industry as you are or who has a similar skill set – or, who has access to people who are and do.
2. The Influencer
Similar to the networker, the influencer, however is like the keynote speaker to the networking event you attend with the power networker. He or she has a lot of connections but also has the power and wont to pull some strings. This person could be an executive you know, someone who heads up a group or an association, serves on a board, or even someone you just connected with over LinkedIn. They are typically in a position of power and are willing to use their positioning on your behalf. The better or more directly you know them, the better.
3. The Eternal Optimist
This can be your mom or your best friend, and this source of personality type is crucial to maintaining a positive outlook and some sanity during an active job search. These types of people and their positive vibes are contagious, and we need them in our search. Your eternal optimist is empathetic and will be there to remind you that your job search is temporary but your awesomeness is forever.
4. The Realist
If the eternal optimist is your mom, maybe the realist is your dad (or vice versa depending on your family structure). It could also be your spouse, who while supportive, also knows what’s good for you and what you need from a logical standpoint for a new position to be a good idea for you. It’s all about balance and this person will course correct you back to reality if you need it. He or she is your due north, and your voice of reasoning.
5. The Recruiter
This person is like the hybrid of the previous four people types – he or she will serve as your sounding board to make sure you’re targeting the right kinds of positions while also encouraging you to try something new and maybe outside of your comfort zone; the recruiter is also typically in a position to pull strings and make connections you otherwise wouldn’t have and is the consummate networker – especially if he or she is a good recruiter. You want this person in your court.
And, these are the 5 types of people you should avoid when job searching:
Conversely, there are a few personality types you should steer clear of, probably most of the time, but especially during an active job search. They are:
- People who are negative
- People with malicious intent
- Competitors, or those looking to supersede you in some way
- Someone with a quick fix, or a scam
- Aggressive sales folks with an agenda
When job searching, people can be more susceptible to those around them and it’s important to differentiate friend from foe. Some of these people can be harder to categorize than others, but hopefully you can spot their intentions. Protect your psyche as much as you would protect anything else that is important to you.
Vigilance, the right attitude and a good strategy coupled with surrounding yourself with the right types of people will be what land you your next career opportunity.
About BANKW Staffing
Through its portfolio companies, KBW Financial Staffing & Recruiting, Alexander Technology Group, The Nagler Group, Sales Search Partners, and KNF&T Staffing Resources, BANKW Staffing, LLC is the leading regional provider of temporary and direct-hire staffing services in the areas of finance, accounting, information technology, office and administration, legal, human resources, and sales.
BANKW Staffing companies have received over 100 awards for rapid growth, business excellence, and workplace quality. Recognition includes Inc. 500, Boston Business Journal’s “Best Places to Work” and Business NH Magazine’s “Business of the Year”.
Learn More – https://www.bankwstaffing.com
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