Job Seeker Resources
Need help finding a job? The BANKW Staffing team has compiled useful articles for our partner job seekers, filled with tips, advice, and best practices to help you streamline the search process and find the right perfect role for you.
Right Job, Wrong Seat? How to Find a New Organization When Your Job Gets Stale
If you’ve been at your job a while, odds are you’re not feeling as challenged as you used to. You may not have access to as many professional...
Apps to Make Your Job Easier…and More Enjoyable!
As an accounting or finance professional, you’re always looking for ways to make work easier and more enjoyable. Some of those ways may be by better...
Moving to Boston for Your Next Sales Role? Consider This Guide to the City Before Moving In
If you’re thinking of moving to Boston for your next sales role, you need to know what to expect before making a firm decision. The historical sites...
Email Overload
There was a time not so long ago when having an empty email inbox seemed do-able. Even if I never actually got around to doing it. Not any more....
Day Off from Work to Recharge and Regroup
When you have a day off work, you must use your time to rest. Creating a proper work-life balance results in less fatigue, lower rates of...
Interviewing 101
Interviews! Some people love them, some people hate them, but everyone has to be prepared for them. Here are some of the basics to help you get...
Grads: Why Your First Job Should be in Sales
It seems so many graduates are worried about finding their dream job. That’s a lot of pressure if you don’t know exactly what job you want. Your...
What to Wear: To an Interview, and Beyond
We’ve heard them all before: Dress for the job you want, not the job you have. You only have one chance to make a first impression. When in doubt,...
3 Public Speaking Podcasts to Help You Develop Your Speaking Characteristics
As a sales professional, you’re always working on your speaking skills. One way to enhance your performance is by listening to podcasts by...
Two Ways to Prepare for a Challenging Conversation with Your Manager
Like most employees, the thought of addressing a challenging issue with your manager may make you apprehensive. Not knowing how they might react can...
6 Tech Podcasts to Subscribe to in 2021
As a tech professional, staying current in your industry is important. Although you don’t always have time to listen to industry news,...
How to Perfect Your Elevator Pitch to Help Close the Deal
An elevator pitch is a segue that takes place within a casual conversation. You might use it when you run into a potential customer at a conference,...
Six Ways to Develop Your Career Roadmap for 2020
Creating your career path involves understanding which knowledge, skills, and experience are needed for lateral career moves, then forming a plan to...
Networking Tips for Technology Professionals
The majority of jobs are filled through networking, and because networking introduces you to new people and makes your job easier, you should be...
Embracing the New Normal: Finding Success in Remote Work
Working remotely in sales has its challenges. Although much of your business is best conducted in person, COVID-19 and social distancing have moved...