When tax season arrives each year, your accounting department is more stressed than usual. Increased workloads, tight deadlines and other demands pile up quickly. Your team might struggle to get everything done on time. To avoid having your team members face burnout, bring aboard accounting professionals on a short-term basis to help out.
Here are a few ways KBW Financial Staffing & Recruiting can support your organization during tax time.
Enhance Your Accounting Department
KBW provides temporary accounting professionals to assist with your increased workload. Whether your accounting department lacks the skills or capacity to manage increased workflows, bringing aboard temporary workers efficiently helps streamline tax season operations. Highly trained and experienced accounting professionals provide general or specialized skills to fill your business needs. Your accounting team is less stressed and less likely to burn out by gaining assistance during tax season.
Gain a Flexible Workforce
KBW provides temporary accounting professionals to fill your short-term need for increased support. Since temps typically don’t receive the same compensation and benefits as full-time employees, you gain a cost-effective approach to resolving your short-term need for additional resources. Retired corporate tax professionals, top accounting students, and other highly qualified workers enhance workforce diversity while providing the skills and experience needed to get through tax season. Temps may be able to complete and file tax returns or ensure corporate, partnership or trust compliance. Or, they might be familiar with tax research and able to respond to IRS notices.
Find Qualified Accounting Candidates
KBW sends you accounting candidates with the skills and experience needed to fill temporary roles. Save time by clarifying with us the qualifications you’re looking for, job responsibilities, hours per week, and other pertinent information. We send you qualified candidates to interview before deciding which to bring aboard to help during tax time. The temp workers you’re most impressed by may be able to help in future tax seasons, further reducing your accounting team’s workload and stress.
Benefit from Immediate Help
KBW provides accounting professionals temporarily who can help with little notice. Because they’re used to jumping in on various assignments, our accounting professionals need little training to get up to speed with your organization. Simply provide temporary workers with specific expectations and have someone available to answer questions. You gain more productivity in less time than if you hired a full-time employee.
Contact KBW Financial Staffing & Recruiting
Contact KBW Financial Staffing & Recruiting to discuss your tax season needs. Our accounting professionals have the skills and experience needed to fill your business needs on a short-term basis. Get in touch with us today.
About KBW Financial Staffing & Recruiting
KBW Financial Staffing & Recruiting is the leading provider of staffing and recruiting services in the areas of finance and accounting. Since 2005, KBW has provided thousands of clients with temporary and direct-hire staffing services throughout Greater Boston, New Hampshire, and Maine.
Learn more and search jobs at https://www.kbwfinancial.com