Employer Resources
The BANKW Staffing team has compiled useful articles for our employer partners, filled with tips, advice, and best practices to help you streamline the search process and find the right candidate for your needs.
How to Make Your Introverted Employees More Comfortable During Meetings
Helping introverted employees to be more comfortable during meetings can be challenging. They typically need more time than extroverts to process...
6 Tech Podcasts to Subscribe to in 2021
As a tech professional, staying current in your industry is important. Although you don’t always have time to listen to industry news,...
Do You Know How to Give Your Accounting Team Feedback?
Part of managing your accounting team involves providing feedback. When done promptly and well, giving performance feedback increases productivity,...
Are you a good mentor?
It’s easy to think of the benefits of having a mentor, but being a mentor can be even better. And being a good mentor is more than just showing up....
The War for Talent: Your 3-Part Guide to Winning (and Keeping) the Best Job Candidates
The year is just beginning and its official: The war for talent has been waged and it’s already begun paying dividends to its winners. Watching the...
The Key to Managing a Diverse Workforce
Cultivating diversity in your workplace keeps your company competitive. Working with employees of different cultures, religions, genders,...
Driving Sales and Increasing Revenue Through the Crisis
Get Ready for a New Generation
It’s almost that time. The newest generation of workers – Gen Z (born between 1994-2010) – are just about to make their debut. Another generation?...
Infographic: 5 Tips for Demystifying the Post-Grad Candidate
Looking to hire entry-level talent? See our tips on how you can attract post-grad candidates and have them be loyal employees. About KNF&T...
Don’t Underestimate the Future of Artificial Intelligence with Dave Todaro
6 Benefits of Using a Staffing Firm for Your Small Business
When you’re running a small business, you can easily fall into a rhythm of doing it all yourself. Small business owners too often find themselves...
Fireside Chat About Home Cyber-Security Measures with Tod Beardsley
The Leadership Pipeline
How to create leaders in the workplace is a critical issue for businesses and one that we all face every day. First level leaders, the people who...
Don’t Leave Your Interview Questions to Luck… Ask These Instead
When interviewing accounting or finance candidates, you need a set of questions that uncover their hard and soft skills. Knowing how their...
Four Reasons You and That New Hire Aren’t a Good Match
If a new hire and you aren’t a good match, odds are they won’t last long on your team. If their skills, experience, personality or attitude aren’t...