Employer Resources

The BANKW Staffing team has compiled useful articles for our employer partners, filled with tips, advice, and best practices to help you streamline the search process and find the right candidate for your needs.

How to Support Introverts in Meetings

How to Support Introverts in Meetings

At least one-third of people are introverts, according to Susan Cain’s book Quiet: The Power of Introverts in a World That Can’t Stop Talking. I’m...

The Puzzle of Building a Diverse Team

The Puzzle of Building a Diverse Team

It has been an exciting couple of weeks for me professionally. We are coming up on The Nagler Group’s 10th anniversary and I celebrated my 6th...

Millennials in Charge

Millennials in Charge

Millennials in the workplace are many a writer’s favorite target. This weekend, the New York Times jumped on board with gusto in an article about...

De-Mystifying the Freelance Economy

De-Mystifying the Freelance Economy

The phrase “freelance economy” is everywhere now. Radio pundits, the news, magazines and in the minds of many job seekers. Like any hot topic, it’s...

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