As a tech professional, staying current in your industry is important. Although you don’t always have time to listen to industry news, read tech magazines, or talk with other leaders to stay updated, you can fit in time each week to listen to podcasts. Here are six podcasts to subscribe to for the latest information in the tech industry.
The Vergecast
Hosted by Nilay Patel, Dieter Bohn, Paul Miller, and various staff members, this podcast shares the top tech news of the week. On Tuesdays, Patel hosts one-on-one, in-depth interviews with leading tech experts. On Fridays, the team invites tech leaders to provide insight into what’s happening now and what’s coming up in the world of tech and gadgets. Recent guests include Microsoft president and chief legal officer Brad Smith, Sonos CEO Patrick Spence, Ford Autonomous Vehicles President, and CEO Sherif Marakby and Public Knowledge senior counsel Meredith Rose.
Techmeme Ride Home
Silicon Valley’s most relied-upon news source presents the day’s tech news Monday through Friday at 5 pm Eastern. Host Brian McCullough runs through the biggest tech stories in 15-20 minutes. Hear about top tech stories, the publications they come from, and commentary around the news. Recent topics include Apple and alternate reality glasses, Disney Plus launching on Amazon’s Fire TV, and Andreesen Horowitz launching a free crypto school.
ThoughtWorks Podcast
A panel of seasoned tech experts discuss the leading trends in tech today. Once a week, they share firsthand insight into cutting-edge tech and how today’s megatrends impact you. Recent topics include Gregorio Melo discussing functional programming, microservices as complex adaptive systems, and diving into serverless architecture.
Three times each week, host Jonathan Strickland looks into people behind the tech, companies that market it, and how tech affects life and culture. Sponsored by HowStuffWorks.com, topics include how tech will revolutionize education, the basics of electricity, and what 5G is.
This Week in Tech
Leo Laporte, Patrick Norton, Kevin Rose, John C. Dvorak, and other leaders discuss the latest trends in digital tech. This podcast is released every Sunday by midnight Pacific. Recent topics include FBI face tracking, Apple Pay and Google buying Fitbit.
Hosts Dan Moren and Mikah Sargent and two guests discuss current tech issues three times each month. Learn about four topics per podcast in 30 minutes or less. Recent topics include the impact of Apple’s Austin campus, thoughts on Google Stadia’s launch, and thoughts on Photoshop for iPad.
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